Organizers: Nikolaos Aletras, Leslie Barrett, Ilias Chalkidis, Catalina Goanta, Daniel Preotiuc-Pietro, Jerry Spanakis

The Natural Legal Language Processing (NLLP) 2023 workshop, now at its fifth edition, brings together researchers, practitioners, policy makers from around the world who develop NLP techniques within the legal domain. NLP technologies allow legal practitioners and decision-makers to make more informed decisions, optimize legal strategies and serve clients/consumers/citizens in a more cost-efficient way. The fast-paced, multi-jurisdictional world of law is a growing area of application for NLP, offering data sources which are often multilingual and multimodal. For example, evidentiary data sets used in private and public legal practice require in-depth image analysis and speech recognition technologies to complement text data (e.g., opinions and judgments) currently dominating the area. Legal NLP research can create societal impact by informing regulators how to best protect certain categories of citizens at risk (e.g. vulnerable consumers), or by enhancing citizen education and access to justice. This is an exciting opportunity to expand the boundaries of our field by identifying new problems and exploring new data as it interacts with the full inventory of NLP and machine learning approaches.
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