
Organizers: Yanai Elazar, Allyson Ettinger, Nora Kassner, Sebastian Ruder, Noah A. Smith

The Big Picture Workshop provides a dedicated venue for exploring and distilling broader NLP research narratives. All research exists within a larger context, and progress is made by standing on the shoulders of giants: building on the foundations laid by earlier researchers. In light of rapid publication rates and concise paper formats, it has become increasingly difficult, however, to recognize the larger story to which a paper is connected. The Big Picture Workshop invites researchers to reflect on how their individual contributions fit within the overall research landscape and what stories they are telling with their bodies of research. The goals of the workshop are to enhance communication and understanding between different lines of work, highlight how works connect and build on each other, generate insights that are difficult to glean without combining and reconciling different research narratives, encourage broader collaboration and awareness of prior work in the NLP community, and facilitate understanding of trajectories and insights within the field of NLP.
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Workshop Papers

EMNLP 2023

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