PRESTO: A Multilingual Dataset for Parsing Realistic Task-Oriented Dialogs

Rahul Goel, Waleed Ammar, Aditya Gupta, Siddharth Vashishtha, Motoki Sano, Faiz Surani, Max Chang, HyunJeong Choe, David Greene, Chuan He, Rattima Nitisaroj, Anna Trukhina, Shachi Paul, Pararth Shah, Rushin Shah, Zhou Yu

Main: Dialogue and Interactive Systems Main-poster Paper

Poster_Demo_Industry_Findings In-person 3: Dialogue and Interactive Systems (Poster)
Conference Room: East Foyer
Conference Time: December 08, 16:00-17:30 (+08) (Asia/Singapore)
Global Time: December 08, Poster_Demo_Industry_Findings In-person 3 (08:00-09:30 UTC)
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